The Vasculum was established in 2006 as a means to advance and publicize the Society’s mission “to promote and expand the role of herbaria in botanical research, teaching, and service to the community at large; to provide a forum for discussion and action on all issues confronting herbaria; and to extend its efforts and interject its influence toward the protection and preservation of endangered herbaria.”

The newsletter seeks to further these goals by making the SHC membership aware of such topics as upcoming elections; featured herbaria; floristic studies and other research projects; comings and goings in the herbarium community; herbaria in need of assistance; gifts, loans, and exchanges; and memorable collecting trips or other anecdotes of interest.

Members are encouraged to contribute to any of these areas, and suggestions for new topics and photos are always welcome!

Visit our new Featured Herbaria section which presents a historical review of past herbaria featured in our annual newsletter.

Tilo Roy, 2022-onwards

Associate Editors
Abby Moore (University of Oklahoma),
Harlan Svoboda, (U.S. National Arboretum),
Michael Thomas,

Published Issues (click to download as a PDF file):

Volume 19 (2024): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 18 (2023):
Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 17 (2022):
Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 16 (2021):
Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 15 (2020): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 14 (2019)
: Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 13 (2018)
: Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 12 (2017): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 11 (2016): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 10 (2015): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 9 (2014)Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 8 (2013): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 7 (2012): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 6 (2011): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 5 (2010): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 4 (2009): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 3 (2008): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 2 (2007): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)
Volume 1 (2006): Number 1 (January); Number 2 (July)