Herbarium assistant position open at The Morton Arboretum

From Andrew Hipp, at The Morton Arboretum:

Dear colleagues,

I am currently recruiting a full-time research and herbarium assistant to work in the herbarium and systematics lab at The Morton Arboretum. Research and herbarium assistants in my lab are closely involved in all aspects of our work, from plant collecting and molecular systematics to herbarium management and database administration. There is opportunity to collaborate on papers, present research at national meetings, and work with collaborators on international projects. The successful applicant will have a strong background in plant sciences (preferably but not necessarily plant systematics) with both lab and field experience; ability to oversee volunteers and work in close collaboration with colleagues within the herbarium and lab, as well as external colleagues; and an interest in developing a broad range of skills in plant systematics.

The job description and flier are attached. I am reviewing applications already, so if you know of potential candidates, please encourage them to contact me with any questions or apply directly to jobs@mortonarb.org (include a cover letter, CV, and application:http://www.mortonarb.org/files/Employment%20Application.pdf). This is a great job for a masters-trained early career scientist or undergraduate with strong post-graduate experience.

Thank you, and take care.

Andrew Hipp

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