Call for Nominations

This year the Society of Herbarium Curators will elect a new President-Elect, Secretary, and Member-at-Large.  The new Member-at-Large will serve for 3 years, the new Secretary for 4, and the President-Elect will ultimately serve for 5 years (1 year as President-Elect then 2 years as President then 2 years as Past President).  You can read the responsibilities of each position in our governance documents at SHC Founding Documents.

We would greatly appreciate your thoughtful nominations (including self-nominations) to these positions.  SHC benefits from a diverse Executive Board representing the breadth of our membership (e.g., in countries of employment, career stages, and employment settings).

Should you wish to provide one or more nominations or have questions about duties of these roles, please contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Austin Mast (  Suggestions are due by February 15. Thank you for your careful consideration.

With best regards,

The SHC Nominating Committee (Austin Mast, Maribeth Latvis, and Richard Rabeler)

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