
If you would like to initiate a new Chapter of the society, please review the content below and contact the current President of the society.

The Southeastern United States Chapter of SHC was accepted in 2015, and is currently the only chapter of the society.  Membership in the chapter can be indicated on the society membership form.  Chapters are circumscribed based on the geographic location of the member and/or the herbarium with which the member is affiliated. Any group of ten or more members of the Society may petition the Executive Board for the establishment of a Chapter as defined by Article VI of the Constitution. The petition must articulate the scope of the Chapter and its organizational plan.

Any member of the Society may join a Chapter or chapters by expressing the interest to join on the Society’s annual membership application or directly to the Society Treasurer, and by payment of associated dues. Each Chapter may control its activities—including but not limited to arranging its meetings, field trips, or other affairs—as long as these conform to the Society’s policies and do not encroach upon the Society’s activities.

Chapters are free to devise their own governance structure as long as it does not conflict with the Constitution or Bylaws of the Society. Chapter bylaws and future amendments must be approved by a vote of the Executive Board of the Society.

Each Chapter may only charge dues at the levels approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board of the Society. Special dues may not be levied, except by explicit permission from the Executive Board of the Society. Dues are collected and maintained by the Treasurer of the Society for the use of the Chapter. In no year may Chapter expenditures exceed the amount accumulated by the Chapter.

Southeastern United States