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Society of Herbarium Curators


What we do

The Society of Herbarium Curators (SHC) is an international organization launched in 2005. The mission is to promote and expand the role of…

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The world’s biodiversity is currently at great risk, and those few centers of research excellence in systematics that are also associated with…

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Digitization of herbarium material involves the process of capturing data and images and storing them in digital form. Over the past 5 years …

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The goal of the U.S. Virtual Herbarium Project is to digitize all specimens in all US herbaria and make the resulting information freely available.

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How you can join

The society has more than 400 members worldwide in more than 60 countries. If you are interested in joining SHC or renewing your membership, please submit the online Membership Application. We would also like to encourage you to help grow our endowment by Making a Donation (tax-deductible), which supports our student research awards, speakers and programs for the annual meeting.

Complimentary Membership is available for persons from qualifying Developing Countries.

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2023 SHC Symposium

Workshop Announcement - July 23, 2023

Supporting inclusive and sustainable research infrastructure for systematics (SISRIS) by connecting scientists and their specimens.
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8:00-8:10 am: Welcome and logistics
8:10-8:30 am Introductory remarks
8:30-9:45 am: Hands-on: Participants disambiguate names of collectors from underrepresented groups on the Bionomia platform
9:45-10:15 am: Break
10:15-11:35 am: Hands-on: Participants document their own expertise and research contributions to biological research collections using Bionomia, learn how to use additional tools to augment their curriculum vitae and future publications, and learn how to track collection-level research impact.
11:35-11:40 am: Next steps and concluding remarks about how to amplify this effort after the workshop.
11:40-12:00 pm: Hands-on: Participants complete online workshop survey that will be emailed to each person.
12:00 pm: Adjourn