MSU Herbarium catalogues Michigan plant life There’s a special kind of library in the basement of the Plant Biology Labs at Michigan State University. Here, instead of taking a book off of a shelf, you can open a folder and find a dried plant that’s 150 years old and still green. Details…
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Wisconsin herbarium uncovers plant from field of Civil War battle
As men in blue and gray uniforms fell dead and artillery shells whistled overhead, Capt. John Cornelius McMullen noticed a flower growing outside his tent while his unit laid siege to Atlanta. Despite the carnage all around him, or maybe because of it, McMullen marveled at the plant’s resilience and watched its leaves close at…
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New Initiative Will Improve Access to Biological Collections, Data
WASHINGTON, DC – Scientists have launched a new national initiative to build a research and end-user community dedicated to developing a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance (NIBA). The project is an outgrowth of recent scientific meetings in which scientists have articulated a need to digitally capture biological specimens and associated data held in natural science collections…
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I am a botanist…
When I tell people that I make my living in botany, they often guess at what that means. Some have no sense for the word. Others imagine me on slow strolls through meadows, sniffing wildflowers and communing with songbirds. I also often get asked if being a botanist means that I grow marijuana. I have…
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