The flowers are appearing now. They develop in a branching panicle, arising from the tip of a branch. Each flower has a tubular, reddish calyx at the base, with bright red petals and some stamens, poking out of the end. Details….
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MYSTERY PLANT: Scientific name of this mystery plant means ‘prickly pine’
We had a mysterious pine tree not too long ago, and here is another. There’s always a new pine species to learn about.This one is growing in a small park not far from my house in the Shandon area of Columbia…Details..
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Mystery Plant prefers the sun
Maybe we should have had this Mystery Plant back at Thanksgiving … some people think that the leaves of this little tree resemble a turkey’s foot, which for me would require a good bit of imagination...Details
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Wisconsin herbarium uncovers plant from field of Civil War battle
As men in blue and gray uniforms fell dead and artillery shells whistled overhead, Capt. John Cornelius McMullen noticed a flower growing outside his tent while his unit laid siege to Atlanta. Despite the carnage all around him, or maybe because of it, McMullen marveled at the plant’s resilience and watched its leaves close at…
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