Monthly Archives: May 2015

Candidates (in alphabetical order) for the Executive Board

Mark Fishbein – Associate Professor of Botany and Director, Oklahoma State University Herbarium (OKLA, since 2009); former Director, Portland State University Herbarium (HPSU, 2005-2009) and Mississippi State University Herbarium (MISSA, 2001-2005); BS, Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago (1988); PhD, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson (1996). Research interests: plant systematics (primarily…
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Herbarium assistant position open at The Morton Arboretum

From Andrew Hipp, at The Morton Arboretum: Dear colleagues, I am currently recruiting a full-time research and herbarium assistant to work in the herbarium and systematics lab at The Morton Arboretum. Research and herbarium assistants in my lab are closely involved in all aspects of our work, from plant collecting and molecular systematics to herbarium…
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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Discovery of Pot

Before prohibition, before many people even knew cannabis existed, scientists had to classify and categorize it botanically. Descriptions and samples from this time period generally go unnoticed by the public; so check out these old samples and descriptions of our favorite plant collected by courageous explorers who made sure they withstood the sands of time.…
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