Student Research Grant Award
Deadline: 1 Feb 2015
Download: SHC_grant_application.doc
Scope: Two $500 research grants will be awarded to students whose research contributes to or uses herbarium resources in ways that augment the collections. Research on any taxa typically accessioned in herbaria including all plant, fungal, lichen, and algal lineages is eligible. Supported activities could include, but are not limited to, fieldwork to generate vouchers for revisionary or floristic work, collecting morphological data from specimens, traveling to herbaria, or making and distributing physical specimens. Thus, students’ overarching research could include molecular approaches but the merit of the proposal would be based on the ability of the work to contribute to building or improving herbarium resources. Additionally, meta-analysis of herbarium data would also be eligible, provided that a component of the research includes direct study of specimens.
Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students may apply. It is expected that only student research projects with the clear potential to lead to publication will be competitive. The student and the student’s research advisor, who should provide a letter of recommendation, must be members of SHC at the time of application. To become a member or to renew a membership, please complete and return a Membership_application to our Treasurer (address provided on form). Membership is not limited to curators, but is open to anyone with an interest in herbaria.
Application Materials:
1) a one page grant application form (see file attachment above) listing student’s name, address, and SHC advisor’s name and proposal title;
2) a two-page proposal including project description, itemized budget justification and references cited (1 inch margins, 11-12 point font);
3) one letter of recommendation from the student’s Research Advisor, who must be a SHC member at the time of application.
All materials should be sent electronically to the Chair of the Research Grant Committee, Becky Dolan ( PDF format is preferred. The letter of recommendation may be sent separately from the student’s materials.
The deadline is Feb 1 annually.