Head of Botany

naturhistoriska Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

Apply by February 6 14.59
Enter reference 2.3.1-463-2021 in your application

Do you want to become one of us and contribute to the development of an organization that, after more than 250 years, is buzzing with curiosity, discovery and creativity? We who work at the Swedish Museum of Natural History are proud of everything we achieve. We offer a dynamic environment where many different professions and skills work together. The museum is responsible for world-unique natural history collections that are constantly growing and developing. The museum is one of the country’s most popular places to visit with about 700,000 visitors a year. Successful research and socially important environmental monitoring are conducted here. The ongoing mass extinction of plant and animal species threatens not only the earth’s biological diversity but the existence of all of humanity. The knowledge of which species exist on earth is deficient, many of them disappear before we even know they existed. Mapping the earth’s fauna and flora is therefore more important than ever, not least because it provides the necessary knowledge for priorities for nature conservation efforts and species protection. The world’s museums and herbariums are fundamental to this work. The Swedish Museum of Natural History has long played a significant role in the mapping of botanical diversity through its extensive collections, knowledgeable staff and skilled researchers. High priority is given to digitally making available the collections’ testimonies about the distribution of plants in time and space. We are now looking for a person who will lead and develop the Swedish Museum of Natural History’s important botanical activities.
TASKS As unit manager, you have the overall responsibility for collections and research within the unit for botany and will participate in the management and business development of the entire research department, e.g. by being part of its management team. You will lead, plan and follow up the botanical unit’s work based on the authority’s mission, vision, strategic plan and goals, as well as represent the employer and implement the authority’s priorities within the area of ​​activity. You are responsible for the unit’s personnel, budget and work environment. You create conditions and support the unit’s research and collection management in line with the agency’s strategic plan, which includes work to strengthen the botanical and mycological collections’ significance for research and society at large and increase their digital accessibility. The assignment includes increased collaboration within the research department and with the agency’s other departments, where participation in the public activities at the museum is an important part. The unit’s premises are currently being completely renovated and staff and collections have been relocated to temporary premises. An important task is therefore planning and implementation of relocation, which includes the establishment of new working methods and routines. When the management allows, there is the opportunity to conduct your own research or other botanical activities. The work includes conducting your own research when the management so allows.
QUALIFICATIONS You have a doctoral degree or equivalent in biology, preferably with a focus on systematic botany / mycology. Merit with associate professor competence or equivalent in biology, preferably with a focus on systematic botany / mycology as well as education in management and leadership. You have good experience of collection-based botanical research and collection management and knowledge of and understanding of biodiversity research, scientific collections and their significance. You have managerial experience or equivalent leadership experience and experience of business development. Good knowledge of Swedish or other Scandinavian language and English in both speech and writing. Qualifying if you have a scientific production in collection-based and organism-oriented botanical research at a high international level and experience of popular science activities in the subject area. We would like you to have experience of digitizing botanical collections and documented ability to receive external grants as well as experience of training and supervision in the area. Qualifying with experience in business management, budget and financial follow-up in a larger organization and knowledge within Swedish public administration. As a person, we see that you identify visions and long-term goals in both collections and research, and plan activities to achieve these. You have a good ability to work together where you pay attention to other people’s views and skills. You act methodically, unpretentiously and inspiringly, drive a courageous leadership which, among other things, means that you give mandates, powers and feedback and act in the event of challenges. You identify, start and end activities that both develop and manage the business. You make decisions based on analysis, collaboration with different parties and act in accordance with good administrative procedures. We ask you to attach in your CV and personal letter,: – links to three to five scientific publications as examples of the research you have conducted and a specification of your own contribution to the work. – share your thoughts on how the botanical activities can be developed in order to best contribute to the mapping of the botanical diversity.
OTHER For all managers, trust working hours are applied. The Swedish Museum of Natural History has the opportunity to promote employees to professors. Anyone who is employed as head of the botanical unit therefore has the opportunity to be tested for professorial competence in accordance with the museum’s regular routines. We increase knowledge about nature and inspire responsibility for our world. Our long-term goal is for the Swedish Museum of Natural History’s employees to reflect the diversity that exists in Sweden. We welcome all applicants regardless of gender, background, origin and functional variation. Prior to the recruitment work, we have taken a position on recruitment channels and marketing. We therefore refrain from contact with media salespeople, recruitment sites and the like.

To apply for this job please visit arbetsformedlingen.se.

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